Is It Bad To Have Raccoons Hanging Around My Pooler Property?

a raccoon on a pooler property

Insects are usually the focus when Pooler, GA residents seek pest remediation. Animals are often an afterthought. At most, rats and mice will be prioritized. While this makes sense and should be done, wildlife is just as threatening. They can damage your personal belongings or the very structure of your home or business. If that isn’t concerning enough, they can attack you with scratches and bites. Simply being around them can result in exposure to germs or contracting a disease. The dangers are even greater with pests that procreate in volume.

Intrusions by wildlife are more likely when a property is close to a grassy or wooded area, or a body of water. This is why it isn’t uncommon to see raccoons around human dwellings. Many people think these creatures are friendly and harmless, but the opposite is true. Find out what the risk factors are and how you can avoid raccoons with Prestige Pest Control.

How Do Raccoons Function? What Are the Hazards?

Round and chubby, raccoons are 15 to 40 pounds. Their 3 feet long bodies are warmed by substantial brown or black fur. Three black rings are on their equally hairy tails. Black marks also surround their eyes, to the point of looking like a mask. Appearing as if they’re hunched-back, the front legs of these animals are shorter than those in the rear. 
Once again, watery and wooded zones are where raccoons generally live. If they show up in a suburban or urban space, it’s because their food supply is lacking. They will wander into yards and sift through trash cans; these pests are notorious for spreading junk about. Next to be ruined will be greenery bearing nuts and fruit. Raccoons may consume other creepy crawlers and contribute to the environment, but they’ll wreck a place in the process. Insects, frogs, mice, and rabbits are among their prey. To get settled, they will build dens in tree holes, chimneys, attics, crawl spaces, porches, sheds, barns, and similar.

Signs of infestation are:

  • Seeing garbage bins and compost piles turned over
  • Discovering disheveled gardens 
  • Suddenly seeing torn door and window screens 
  • Finding damaged foundations, shingles, siding, insulation, or wires
  • Spotting heaps of nested organic matter and/or paw prints
  • Hearing clawing from inside walls or loud noises outside

When in a defensive state, raccoons can be quite aggressive and you should stay away from them. Additionally, these pests are common carriers for rabies, fleas and ticks, histoplasmosis, tuberculosis, and tularemia. They don’t discriminate with their assaults and will go after both domestic animals and humans. If a raccoon injures you or a pet, seek medical attention immediately.

Is There a Way to Prevent Raccoons?

Demonstrating supreme lawn and building care is the first line of defense against raccoons. Tasks related to this can be taxing and unenjoyable. However, guarding human and pet health is important. Do the following:

  • Make sure gardens and greenery are at least two feet away. 
  • Trim grass, plants, and flowers regularly. Remove organic debris.
  • Use canisters with tight lids for garbage storage, and sit them distanced from the property. Don’t forget about composts.
  • Attach screens to all chimneys, vents, and windows. 
    Contact Prestige Pest Control if you have critters raccoons may eat.

How Will Prestige Pest Control Handle Raccoons?

We at Prestige Pest Control have a staff that consists of trained technicians, licensed professionals, and certified entomologists. You will receive expert care and insight in eliminating raccoons from your property. Our potent treatments are natural, non-toxic, and easy on the environment. Our services are affordable and guaranteed. If you need an emergency visit, that is certainly an option. Call us today at Prestige Pest Control to get started!